RALLY Peoria

Every community stakeholder must be invited to the planning table at the onset of every project for as many meetings as it takes. Every stakeholder has a responsibility be treated with respect and respect each other as well as to promote unity, learn their individual duty and create our destiny together. Every stakeholder can be likened to a raindrop and "One raindrop raises the sea. -- Dinotopia"

Thursday, May 04, 2006

D150 - From There to Here - Community Engagement

So, what did happen from there (10/05) to here (05/06)?

The Master Facility Plan - Final Recommendations (MFP) were published (10/05) and then approved by the D150 Board (11/05).

Also in the MFP, Community Forums and Civic Gatherings ---
11. Exact locations of the new schools (as well as possible high school boundary changes) should be further discussed by the committee at this time, with an eye to providing the community with more details about these.

How/Where Addressed in Report

See Recommendation "1.0" generally, and "3.2" and "3.3", specifically ---

"1.0" --- By Fiscal 2009, dependent on subsequent Board adoption of a funding source (see Recommendations 4.0 -4.4), fully implement the "full" planing, including, .....

"3.2 and 3.3" --- respectively the Manual and Woodruff Attendance area plans.

The min/max plan is not clear, too many variables and an undefined funding source. Most stakeholders are unclear about what the end product will actually be and how it will be financed.

Next time the public hears about the site is at a Special and Joint (D150 & PPD) March 29th meeting, at 10 am, held at Valeska Hinton Early Childhood Education Center, located at 800 W. 5th Avenue, 61605.

So, a special joint meeting, at 10 am not in the East Bluff, not at the Park District's administration building, nor at D150 administrative offices -- but on the other side of town?

What happened to a convenient time for the public to attend as well as walkability?

Approximately four (4) months and then Voila, the perfect site.

Upon reviewing 10 Principles of Authentic Community Engagement - KnowledgeWorks Foundation

* Involve all stakeholders
* Solicit community input
* Involve community early in the process
* Offer opportunities for people to gather at convenient times and comfortable locations at a variety of convenient times
*Consists of more than one meeting and allows time in the process to make informed judgements
*Is driven by aspirations that communities hold for their future
* Has a learning component that helps build community awareness and knowledge about the subject at hand
* Allows for sustained involvement by community stakeholders
* Utilizes community partnerships and expertise
* Employs clear, open and consistent communication

Please take a minute to grade your experience in this process.

(PJStar (03 May 2006)) "If the parents and staff don't care (what we do), then maybe we have to listen to the very concerned voices of neighbors," Matheson said.

Our community needs to listen to all the community stakeholders, as well as the parents and staff.

Because someone does not say anything verbally does not necessarily indicate that the parents don't care as well as the fact that listening to the neighbors (who also have ideas, creativity, and pay taxes et al) is an activity to be possibly considered as beneath one's station in life. Please remember the fear of public speaking ranks up there with the fear of death.

Which leaves us with some of the same questions which remained unanswered:

(1) The MFP states that the Woodruff Attendance will see implementation from fiscal year 2007-2009. Why and how can D150 begin implementation in fiscal year 2006?

(2) When did D150, in open session, vote as a Board to purchase properties for the proposed Glen Oak Site?

(3) What happens to the proposed site if PPD and D150 do not enter into an intergovenmental agreement?

(4) What happens to any properties that D150 would purchase prior to and if no intergovernmental agreement is signed between PPD and D150?

(5) The statement on the last page of the MFP, Exhibit 7 - ISBE / CDB Program Statement, .... D150 is proposing K-8 schools.

Why does the Letter of Intent (attached to the PPD minutes of March 29, 2006 meeting) state --- ' ... the School District shall have the right, for the term of 99 years, to construct and maintain a Birth through Eighth Grade Community School building, at the School District's expense, on a joint Park-School site?

(6) In what public meeting has there been discussion about the change from K-8 to B-8?
So, does anyone have any answers?


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