RALLY Peoria

Every community stakeholder must be invited to the planning table at the onset of every project for as many meetings as it takes. Every stakeholder has a responsibility be treated with respect and respect each other as well as to promote unity, learn their individual duty and create our destiny together. Every stakeholder can be likened to a raindrop and "One raindrop raises the sea. -- Dinotopia"

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Snow Plowing --- Completed in what time period?

All citizens:

What is your opinion of:

(A) when the first pass and
(B) curb to curb should be completed (i.e. number of hours after the end of the event) based on this recent snow fall - November 20 - December 1, 2006?

What are your recommendations? SOLUTIONS?

Thank you for your help.


At Thursday, December 07, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First pass within 6 hours of a major snowfall.

Curb to curb within 24.

At Thursday, December 07, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

solutions: Do whatever you need to in order to enforce the laws already on the books!

At Friday, December 08, 2006, Blogger steven edward streight said...

(1) Rehire the experienced snowplow drivers, and let them re-train the new guys, about 80% of the crew, who had almost no training.

(2) Account for the funds allocated to snow removal, penny by penny.

(3) Impeach the mayor and fire the Haste guy.

(4) Ask Caterpillar to help Peoria with their big trucks or bulldozers or whatever the heck they make.

(5) Fine people for driving on snow routes during bad snowstorms, and getting stuck or sliding into ditches, unless there is an emergency requiring them to be on the roads.

(6) Force the city works managers to be accountable for their dumb decisions and horrible "strategy".

At Friday, December 08, 2006, Blogger steven edward streight said...

Get the police, firemen, civil defense, and maybe national guard to help block routes and re-direct traffic, so the snowplows can do their job.

Put salt on the roads like they used to back when city government was not so corrupt, arrogant, and brain dead.

Make Gary Sandberg the President of Peoria.


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